
Udzungwa National Park(Waterfalls)

Being Part of theEastern Arc Mountains, Udzungwa National Park is home for fascinating diversity of life.

Eastern Arc Mountain’ that are famous for its high concentration of endemic species of animals and plants is important biodiversity hotspot on earth.

The park has variety of landforms including rolling hills, mountains, valleys, and waterfalls that makes the park outstanding scenic.

Nature Lovers can explore mountain forests for a number of rare, endemic and endangered species of flora and fauna includingendemic species of sange mangabey ,Iringa red colobus and endemic Udzungwa Forest Partridge and Rufous wing sunbird.

The park offers a number of spectacular waterfalls including the biggest waterfall in National park system in Tanzania, The Sanje waterfall with 170m

Activity in Udzungwa

With no road connecting across the Udzungwa Mountains National Park only with exciting wilderness patched with dense forested mountains and beautiful landscapes, varying Tourist Activities in Udzungwa Mountains National Park that is ultimate with remarkable experiences that are offered in this park.  These activities are great ideals for hikers, trekkers and bird watchers thus a chance to participate in some of them will leave you with incredible memories from your adventure in this Udzungwa Mountains National Park. They include

One of the major Tourist Activities in the Udzungwa Mountains, National Park is hiking. The National Park is a true paradise for hikers providing an excellent network of forest trails that have been well established for your Hiking adventure. Among these hiking safaris is the popular half-day hike to Sanje waterfall, tourists usually take 2 – 4 hours to hike to the falls as they walk through majestic tropical and montane rainforest which is spread across rolling hills, valleys, and mountains. One highlight of this incredible hike is the plunge pools down below these magnificent waterfalls which provide opportunities for Swimming that is extremely refreshing following a hot hike.

On the other hand the most passionate hikers can also undertake the more challenging and a bit strenuous two-nights Mwanihana trail which leads to the high plateau of Udzungwa National Park named Luhomeroenjoy its panoramic views over surrounding sugar plantations, before ascending to Mwanihana peak, the second-highest point in the mountain range, hikers can expect to see some of the park’s endemic flora and fauna along with this hiking trail including the most famous beautiful African violet, and also encounter with mammals such as elephants, buffaloes, hunting dogs, leopards, primates, numerous bird species and many others.

Tourists usually, undertake primates trekking  which is one other of the Tourist Activities in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park remarkably unique and extraordinary as you get to encounter with various primate species especially the endangered Iringa Red Colobus Monkey and Sanje Crested Mangabey that are only restricted to this Udzungwa Mountains National Park, other primates seen are the Matunda Galago not so common, Red Colobus, along with the black and white Angola colobus monkeys, blue and vervet monkeys are commonly seen as well as the yellow baboons. Spend time in this virgin tropical rainforest and get to encounter with these rare endangered monkeys that will give a unique adventure.

For avid Bird watchers, the Udzungwa Mountains are a rich pristine destination for bird watching with at least more than 400 recorded bird species, 25 endemic to the park and the Eastern Arc Mountains. Get to sight the four bird species peculiar to Udzungwa as well as many varieties of common birds that can be spotted elsewhere in other bird watching areas

Camping in the Udzungwa Mountains National park will not only give you the true  beauty of nature but soak you into a great exploration of all the park’s treasures especially its diverse catalog of endemics and spectacular views which will make you enjoy the most remarkable safari in this National Park.