Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park is located just south of the central midpoint of Tanzania. The national park encompasses an area of 7,809 square miles (20,226 sq km) making it the largest national park in Tanzania and one of the largest in Africa. It is close to the renowned Selous Game Reserve.

Ruaha National Park is part of the larger Rungwa-Kizigo-Muhesi ecosystem that covers an area of 17,000 square miles (45,000 sq km).  Along with Ruaha, the area includes two other game reserves and a wildlife management area.  There are three primary areas for safari game-viewers to explore.  The Ruaha River area is the most stunning with Mdonya woodlands and the Mbage-Mwagusi circuit.

Ngalambulwa Mountain is the tallest point in the park reaching a summit of 5,250 feet (1,600 m).  Grasslands and rocky terrain surround this massif adding to the varying landscapes.

The great Ruaha River travels along the southeastern border of the park.  The river name serves as the source for the national park name.  This water source also serves as a draw for safari game viewing.  A second river, Njombe traverses the park through gorges and rocky broken landscapes.  Crocodiles can be commonly seen sunning on the banks of the rivers.

The dry seasons shrink the river, which draws wildlife in for drinking.  It becomes an excellent game viewing area.  The large gatherings of elephants, giraffes, buffalo, kudu, and impala can often be seen in herds around the riverbeds.  The Mdonya woodlands are a great area for seeing hartebeest, sable, and roan antelope.  The Mbage-Mwagusi circuit provides a good chance for seeing elephants. 

The largest collection of elephants is located here in Ruaha compared to anywhere else in Tanzania. Similarly, there is almost a guarantee that safari-goers will see Great Kudu because of their population.

The park’s predators feature lions, leopards, cheetahs, spotted hyenas, and wild dogs.  The park serves as one of Tanzania’s Lion Conservation Units.  Giraffe, buffalo, hippopotamus, zebra, warthog, and sable antelope are some of the popular species found within the park.

Ruaha is also a bird lovers’ paradise with over 570 species of birds found within the park.  Hornbills, raptors, bee-eaters, rollers, and many other species make bird-watching a popular activity in the park.  This is also home to the rare Eleonora’s Falcon during the months of December and January.

The park offers hides and tree houses which are situated in places that provide excellent views of the watering spots most frequented by wildlife.  These are inspirational opportunities to have stunning views of the wildlife apart from the traditional vehicle safari.

things to do at Ruaha

Ruaha National Park are excitingly diverse and remarkably on a wide range because of the national park’s thrilling atmosphere emanating from its unrestricted wilderness which has a  great combination of untouched vegetation and fascinating landscapes characterized by different species from the East and the South that supports the animal’s reliability.

Ruaha National Park though it is among the least visited National Parks due to its relative inaccessibility, unique Tourist Attractions in Ruaha National Park feature numerous plants of over 1,650 plant species, prolific birdlife and mammal species from both Southern and Eastern Africa inhabiting the National Park simultaneously.

Game drives here are the main and quintessential adventure things to do in Ruaha National Park that most tourists undertake as they enjoy the amazing wilderness with its rich diversity of wildlife, beautiful sceneries from fascinating landscapes, the great Ruaha River and various bird species while seated comfortably in a safari vehicle. On your game drive you can enjoy the fantastic Predators – Lions on the shores of the river, Cheetah on the open plains and Leopard although as elusive as ever, in quite substantial numbers accompanied by other majestic wildlife.

There is truly no better way to experience the bush than on foot.

If you’re keen on gaining a deeper understanding of the area, take part in a walking safariwith experienced armed guides. Eye-to-eye with the wildlife, your senses are heightened and the sights, sounds and smells of the bush come alive.

The majority of the Big Cats are nocturnal Predators, which means that during the daytime game drives, they are likely to be seen lounging about in the shade however, a night Game drive is an excellent opportunity to explore the night whispers of the park with an armed park ranger and enjoy watching these nocturnal creatures at their peak as they make moves on their unaware sleeping prey. They are always active and on the prowl that will make your safari one of it’s kind.

Among the great ideal Tourist Activities in Ruaha National Park is Bird watching, for avid bird watchers, just with a great pair of your Binoculars, birding pack, your brimmed hat, comfy footwear, and all that you need to spot your great birds of interest, participate in bird watching safari here and enjoy the fantastic abundance of over 575 recorded bird species that inhabit Ruaha.

Nothing will put you in the heart of a unique African Adventure quite like including a cultural safari to the neighboring local communities around the park additional to your Game adventure safari thus these cultural tours are other Tourist Activities in Iringa and  Ruaha National Park, get to interact with the amazing local people namely the Masai people and have an insight into their unique and yet interesting cultures, traditional beliefs and lifestyle which will leave you with wondrous moments

The park is equipped with a variety of fishing techniques including trolling, spinning live and dead bait as well as fly fishing. Don’t ever miss out this chance by planning to do fishing at the Ruaha River